Social Surveys’ Statement on Covid-19 – Community First


Community First. We are here to continue supporting you to create meaningful change.


We know that our clients are on the front lines of supporting the most vulnerable in society, and we are here to help you to provide ongoing services. Social Surveys has all the systems in place to work virtually.


Social Surveys is using our experience, skills and networks to help understand and address the social impacts of the Covid-19 virus, and responses to the virus, on South African society. Evidence-based decision-making is as important as ever, especially in a crisis. Up to date information on how the covid-19 lockdown is affecting households and small businesses is urgently needed and highly time sensitive. This information must be interpreted spatially – not only who is vulnerable, but where.


We must be planning not only for immediate protection of lives and livelihoods, but for long-term structural changes to our economy and our society – in our communities, nationally and globally. Social Surveys is proud to be working closely with a wide range of partners and networks to collaboratively think through the implications and options for a new society. At the same time, we are putting our efforts into supporting services for the most vulnerable.


We bring our understanding of community dynamics, the spatial analysis power of our Community Tapestry, our tireless team of field researchers (now working telephonically), our excellent quality control methods, and our advanced data science to the problem solving challenges that are needed in this time.


Our covid-19 related activities include:

  • National and provincial surveys to establish and monitor the impacts of the lockdown on vulnerable households in terms of health, food security, income and employment, mental health and substance abuse, domestic violence and security, children’s education and security of tenure.
  • National and provincial surveys to track the specific effects of the lockdown on children
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of emergency relief efforts such as food parcels, counselling services and shelters through efficient, disaster-adapted M&E services
  • Supporting employers in the corporate, municipal and NGO sectors to:
    • Monitor the levels of vulnerability and resilience among employees, including impacts on current and post-lockdown productivity:


Do you know how many of your employees are food insecure? How many are in lockdown separated from their families? How many are supporting extended family members that have lost incomes? How many are struggling with mental health, substance abuse or domestic violence in this context of stress and uncertainty?

  • Monitor the health of supply chains and related businesses and SMMEs, to retain line of sight for post-lockdown resumption of economic activities:


Do you know how many of your suppliers are laying off critical skilled staff? How many are about to lose premises or assets which will make them unable to supply you with critical inputs after lockdown?

In addition, we are continuing with our ongoing policy and research work.


Let us know how our committed and skilled team can support your ongoing services so you can stay focused on your purpose. Contact us at or call 011486 1025


Talk to us. This is the time for partnerships and collaboration. Let’s do this together.

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